A busy summer has ended, and the school year begins anew. I worked on a lot of projects over break, and since I'm only slightly modest, I'm sure I'll mention them soon. Since the workshop in Banff in January was so helpful, I'm planning to attend and speak at Integers 2011 in October. I wouldn't have known about this conference had Richard Nowakowski not mentioned the 2009 version to me two years ago.
I spent a lot of time working on an applet for Adjacent Hex, but I didn't quite finish. I hope to get that done during this semester, but can't make any promises.
This semester I'm feeling like a Math professor. I'm teaching two math courses (Discrete Math and a freshman-only games course) and our Algorithms course, which is very math heavy. This is the least programming of any semester I've had here; I don't know how to deal with that!
In addition, I have two excellent senior students doing cool projects. Will is working on an implementation of a Savage Worlds character creator, and Patrick is going to implement a Monte Carlo game tree search in Chapel. Very exciting!
There's lots to talk about. As normal, if there's something you're particularly interested in, let me know.
Foams and the Four-Color Theorem
3 days ago